Let's Talk; It Saves Lives Podcast [with Nina from B96 Radio]

Dr. Dimple Patel, one of our therapists on staff at Pica & Associates is also a Board Member of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention—Illinois Chapter, and had the privilege of participating in a podcast with host Nina from B96 Radio talking about mental health and suicide prevention.

Podcasts like this one are important not only because it helps to bring awareness and break the stigma of mental health issues by highlighting suicide awareness in mainstream media, but also because it allows for a way to share this information easily and quickly with those who may need to hear the message of the podcasts without being intrusive.

To hear the full podcast, click here.

For more information about the podcast or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, contact:
Dr. Dimple Patel, PsyD
Licensed Eligible Psychologist, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention— Illinois Chapter Board Member
patel@picaassoc.net   |   630.549.6497 x 709

